Preparing for spring thaw

Now is a perfect time to take preventative steps to protect your home from water damage.
Woman smiling and cleaning gutters

With climate change, more and more Canadian households experience flooding due to heavy rainfalls and the arrival of an early spring. Your home’s foundational structure, roof, and exterior windows are vulnerable areas where water can leak through. Home insurance is essential, but here are a few maintenance tips to keep your home safe from water damage. Check out these simple ways to protect your home and prevent your money from going down the drain.

Protect Your Basement

  • Remove accumulated snow away from your house, especially windows.
  • Check your property for obstructions that could prevent melting snow from draining away from your house (i.e. rocks or bins).
  • Move valuable items from your basement to higher floors.
  • Install a sump pump and backwater valve. They’re invaluable in keeping your basement safe from unwanted water. Learn more preventative tips with these helpful videos.
  • Ensure there is proper grading around your home and that water drains away from the house.

Prevent Roof Leaks

  • Inspect and seal chimneys, vents and skylights.
  • Have your roof inspected for cracks, breaks, and loose or missing shingles.
  • Look for blockages, leaks and holes in eavestroughs, downspouts and extensions.
  • Ensure screw heads and fasteners are properly covered.

Protect Your Windows

  • Inspect exterior windows for unusual wear and tear.
  • Repair or replace window seals or caulking that appears visibly damaged.
  • Check weather stripping and seals on windowsills and thresholds.